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7.pdf.jpg2022Passenger transport hubs: thematic overviewMartseniuk, L.; Kandel, B. Kumar; Kovalenko-Marchenkova, Ye.; Марценюк, Л.; Кандел, Біджай Кумар; Коваленко-Марченкова, Є.
Iran 2021.pdf.jpg2021Peculiarities and Perspectives of Physical Rehabilitation Within High School SystemDorofieieva, O.; Yarymbash, K.; Skrypchenko, I.; Joksimović, M.; Mytsak, A.; Nesterenko, N.; Дорофієєва, О.; Яримбаш, К.; Скрипченко, І.; Йоксимович, М.; Мицак, А.; Нестеренко, Н.
6.pdf.jpg2023Peculiarities of conducting procedural actions before entering data into the unified register of pre-trial investigations in terms of problematic aspects of the modern timeLazareva, Dariia; Kessariiskyi, Oleksii; Лазарева, Дарія; Кессарійський, Олексій
70.pdf.jpg2021Peculiarities of economic crimes in the banking sphereRybalchenko, L.; Kosychenko, O.; Ohrimenco, S.; Рибальченко, Л.; Косиченко, О.; Охрімєнко, С.
ісмайлов 2019 св 1.pdf.jpg2019Peculiarities of human rights and freedom while applying intelligence-led policing (ILP)Ismaylov, K.; Ісмайлов, К.Ю.
43.pdf.jpg2023Peculiarities of institution of recusals (self-recusals) in criminal procedureLazareva, Dariia; Kartsyhin, Dmytro; Лазарева, Дарія; Карцигін, Дмитро
10.pdf.jpg2021Peculiarities of legal security of financial security of the state in the context of today challengesDmytrenko, E.; Дмитренко, Е.
8.pdf.jpg2022Peculiarities of legal terminologyNovikova, O.V.; Новікова, О.В.
97.pdf.jpg2021Peculiarities of regulation of inheritance legal relations under the civil legislation of Ukraine and European CountriesNestertsova-Sobakar, O.; Нестерцова-Собакарь, О.
18.pdf.jpg2022Peculiarities of representation in civil proceedingsLoginova, Maryna; Reznichenko, Karolina; Логінова, Марина; Резніченко, Кароліна
15.pdf.jpg2022Peculiarities of using visual means of information and analytical activity in legal and law enforcement sphereKosychenko, A.; Rybalchenko, L.; Косиченко, О.; Рибальченко, Л.
10.pdf.jpg2021Penitentiary crime as a social phenomenon inherent in places of non-freedom in UkraineBogatyrev, I.; Богатирьов, І.
17.pdf.jpg2020Pension support of police officers in UkraineTimchenko, L.; Тимченко, Л.
8.pdf.jpg2022Personnel in tourism industry of Ukraine as a means to achieve competitive advantageHrebeniuk, H.; Гребенюк, Г.
1.pdf.jpg2022Perspective of Сhina in the conditions of a new historic period: recommendations for UkraineOliinyk, O.; Олійник, О.
93.pdf.jpg2017Peфopмувaння гaлузi бeзпeки i oбopoниШтиpxунoвa, А.Д.
2.pdf.jpg2023Philosophical foundations of a new approach to the community policing’ activitySkyba, Eleonora; Tkachenko, Kateryna; Скиба, Елеонора; Ткаченко, Катерина
14.pdf.jpg2023Philosophical foundations of a new approach to the work of community police officersSkyba, Eleonora; Скиба, Елеонора
4.pdf.jpg2023Philosophy of Social Management in Public Management’ Models of the System of Social WorkPopovych, Vasyl; Popovych, Yana; Попович, Василь; Попович, Яна
PhELR_5-2023.pdf.jpg2023Philosophy, Economics and Law ReviewДДУВС