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Title: Розвиток цивільного процесуального законодавства у Радянській Україні: історико-правове дослідження
Authors: Нестерцова-Собакарь, О.В.
Citation: Нестерцова-Собакарь О.В. Розвиток цивільного процесуального законодавства у Радянській Україні: історико-правове дослідження / О.В.Нестерцова-Собакарь // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2019. – № 1 (98). – С. 30-35
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: ДДУВС
Keywords: суд
цивільний процес
цивільно-процесуальне законодавство
civil process
civil procedural law
judicial proceedings
Abstract: Проаналізовано історичні етапи формування цивільного процесуального законодавства України у радянський перiод та визначено його особливості і закономірності. На основі загального огляду історичних етапів еволюції цивільного процесуального законодавства України вдалося виокремити деякі закономірності, зокрема, соціальний рівень суспільства, економічний розвиток, політичний устрій та ряд інших, які у своїй сукупності і сприяли розвитку Української держави у радянський період та вплинули також на формування процесуального права в Україні сьогодні.
The scientific article is devoted to the analysis of historical stages of formation of civil procedural legislation of Ukraine in the Soviet period and determination of its features and regularities. The most important for civil procedural justice of Ukraine in the USSR was the period of the Great Patriotic War. The courts during the Great Patriotic War carried out a huge work that contributed to the successful struggle of the socialist state with the Nazi invaders. In the first months of the war, the jurisdiction of the People's Courts operating in the areas of hostilities and in areas where the declared state of war was classified were mainly civil cases. In addition, there was a problem of personnel, since from the very first days of the Great Patriotic War, no court personnel went to the front of the volunteers. So there was an urgent need to attract a significant number of skilled, proven lawyers. Sources for this need were personnel who worked in the general judicial authorities, the commissariats of justice and other judicial authorities, in the bar, etc., and the training of new staff in law schools, institutes, law schools. In general, speaking about the Civil Law of that period, it was based on the principle of the domination of state property, in general, it was sufficiently adapted to extraordinary conditions. Created even before the war, the system of planned distribution also met the needs of the militarization of the national economy. In view of the necessity of evacuation of industry, redistribution of fixed assets, the rights of economic commissariats were expanded and the procedure of transfer of property between state enterprises and institutions was simplified; also, the requisition was applied - first of all, regarding the objects of the collective-cooperative property. On the basis of a general overview of the historical stages of the evolution of the civil procedural law of Ukraine, it was possible to distinguish certain patterns, in particular, the social level of society, economic development, political structure and a number of others that in their totality contributed to the development of the Ukrainian state in the Soviet period and influenced the formation of procedural rights in Ukraine today. It should be noted that the main regularity of civil procedural law is that it exclusively contributed to it, and, today, contributes to the reproduction of substantive legal requirements in the course of judicial proceedings. The modern development of procedural law is characterized by a significant complication of the procedure and the extension of codification. The main reason for such a phenomenon is the scientific and technological progress, which causes complication of the procedural form, in particular, recording of the trial by technical means, various complex examinations, since the main goal of procedural activity, the comprehensive provision of legitimate interests, rights and freedoms of the individual.
Appears in Collections:Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2019. – № 1
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Нестерцова-Собакарь Олександра Володимирівна

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