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Title: Право на свободу думки і толерантність
Other Titles: The right to freedom of opinion and tolerance
Authors: Мурашкін, М.
Murashkin, M.
Citation: Мурашкін М. Право на свободу думки і толерантність / М. Мурашкін // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2021. - № 4 (114). – С. 69-74
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: ДДУВС
Keywords: права людини
свобода думки
релігійно-містична культура
human rights
freedom of opinion
religious and mystical culture
Series/Report no.: DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2021-4-69-74;
Abstract: Розкрито поняття «право» і «толерантність». Досліджено право на свободу думки в релігійній сфері. Доведено можливість толерантності між різними релігійними конфесіями. Показано неможливість існування абсолютної толератнності
Description: Today there is a problem of the right to freedom of thought in the religious sphere. Hence, the task is to prove the possibility of tolerance between different religious denominations, and therefore to show the impossibility of absolute tolerance in society between people. Tolerance implies treating another person as an equal in dignity. For such an attitude, a person often has to consciously extinguish the feeling of rejection of another person. For example, not accepting the manners of another person, his way of gesturing or manners of speaking, and so on. A religious person must consciously extinguish the rejection of other rituals. Religious tolerance is a form of tolerance that is necessary in the conditions of coexistence of competing churches. And this rivalry is tougher than the rivalry of the church with the secular. The reasons for this situation lie in the fact that the churches have their own specific material income and therefore fight for the parishioners, for their involvement in their church. Rejection of violence and coercion in matters of religion enables society to avoid the greater evil of social instability in comparison with the irritating times, not the life actions of believers, but actions that do not violate universal values. Religion in general, despite its fantastic ideas and mythological positions, still focuses on life, to affirm such a value as human life. And this makes it possible to take into account a certain wisdom of the followers for the sake of generalizing worldviews, in which human life is in the first place as an inviolable value, without which human life loses meaning. In a democratic society there is a possibility of tolerance between different religious denominations. But there is also the impossibility of the existence of absolute tolerance in both secular and religious life. That is, everyone can have their own opinion.
Appears in Collections:Мурашкін М.Г.
Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2021. - № 4 (114)
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