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19.pdf.jpg2023Efficiency of Management of the Economic Development of the Regions of Ukraine in the Conditions of WartimeMarchuk, Lesia; Yakovlev, Vladislav; Марчук, Леся; Яковлев, Владислав
14.pdf.jpg2023Integration Strategies in the Market System of Maritime Trade of UkraineFilipishyna, Liliya; Metil, Tetiana; Gechbaia, Badri; Філіпішина, Лілія; Метіль, Тетяна; Гечбая, Бадрі
6.pdf.jpg2021Basic components of the investment climate formation of the Ukrainian economy in modern conditions of globalization transformationsVakulych, M.; Lizut, R.; Вакулич, М.; Лізут, Р.