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Title: Способи вчинення шахрайства у сфері надання послуг із посередництва у працевлаштуванні
Other Titles: Methods of commiting fraud in the field of provision of employment mediation services
Authors: Антонюк, І.А.
Antonyuk, I.A.
Citation: Антонюк І. А. Способи вчинення шахрайства у сфері надання послуг із посередництва у працевлаштуванні / І. А. Антонюк // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2020. - № 4. – С.324-329
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: ДДУВС
Keywords: шахрайство
способи шахрайства
ринок праці
трудова угода
methods of fraud
labor market
employment agreement
Abstract: Досліджено криміналістично значущі особливості способів шахрайства у сфері надання послуг із працевлаштування. Увага приділяється описанню способів, з’ясуванню їх особливостей, здійсненню їх систематизації. Покладаючи в основу різні критерій класифікації, всі варіанти шахрайських дій при працевлаштуванні зведено за такими критеріями: залежно від суб’єкта; залежно від галузевої належності; залежно від простору; залежно від місця знаходження посередників із працевлаштування та роботодавців; за легітимністю трудової діяльності; залежно від форм зайнятості; залежно від тривалості зайнятості.
Description: It is emphasized that imperfection and the presence of conflicts in labor and civil legislation have led to the spread of abuses in the labor market. Somewhat «vulnerable» was the provision of employment services, where a fifth of the agreements between the intermediary, the employer and the employee are unpromising. It is emphasized that most employment agreements in the labor market are concluded in such a way that the terms of employment and the nature of the profession, as well as the responsibilities of the employer are very vague, resulting in Ukrainian citizens getting jobs that do not suit them, limit their rights but the terms of the agreement are not formally violated. Meanwhile, in the labor market is gaining momentum options that have elements of deception, and are no longer in the plane of civil law, and are subject to criminal law assessment. The article is devoted to the study of criminological significant features of fraud methods in the field of employment services. Attention is paid to the description of methods, clarification of their features, the implementation of their systematization. It is emphasized that fraudulent actions can be committed by persons related to the labor market - intermediaries, employers and the unemployed (61%), and persons who intentionally pretend to be such persons (49%). At the same time, fraudulent actions can be committed in different sectors of the labor market, in different periods, in different spaces. Based on different classification criteria, all options for fraudulent employment are summarized according to the following criteria: Depending on the subject: 1) persons related to the labor market; 2) persons who intentionally impersonate such persons. Depending on the industry affiliation: 1) fraudulent actions in the field of material production; 2) fraudulent actions in the field of goods and services - non-productive. Depending on the space: 1) deceptive actions in the domestic labor market; 2) fraudulent actions related to employment abroad; 3) fraudulent actions related to getting a job on the Internet (remote access). Depending on the location of employment intermediaries and employers: 1) fraudulent actions committed in offices that have a factual or legal address (fictitious and real employment firms); 2) fraudulent acts committed in "virtual employment centers". According to the legitimacy of labor activity: 1) deceptive actions when offering official employment; 2) fraudulent actions when offering illegal employment. Depending on the forms of employment: 1) fraudulent actions when offering full employment; 2) fraudulent actions when offering a flexible work schedule. Depending on the duration of employment: 1) fraudulent actions when offering long-term employment; 2) fraudulent actions when offering temporary employment (seasonal work, performing a certain type of work during a certain period, etc.).
Appears in Collections:АСПІРАНТИ
Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2020. - № 4 (107)
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