Перегляд по темі "business"

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Protopopova, N.; Kovalenko-Marchenkova, Ye.; Kandel, Bijay Kumar; Протопопова, Н.; Коваленко-Марченкова, Є.; Кандел, Біджай Кумар (ДДУВС, 2022)
    Сoncidering global absorption of business in financial manipulations and frauds, the use of forensics at enterprises is becoming more relevant. The article examines the concept of «forensics», its methods and purpose in ...
  • Derkach, L.; Деркач, Л. (UKRAINE AND UKRAINIANS ABROAD INC, 2017)
    The given article reveals pathways and experience of top-innovative universities of the U.S.A and Brazil aimed at imple-menting the best functioning models of foreign institutions in Ukrainian educational system. The article ...
  • Kravchenko, Oleksandr; Кравченко, Олександр (ДДУВС, 2023)
    Scientific intelligence is devoted to the analysis of existing international legislation in the field of legal protection of trade secrets (TS). Searching for ways to improve legal and institutional mechanisms for the ...