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10.pdf.jpg2023Sport as a physiotherapeutic treatment for obesityinduced forward head postural deformitiesKumar, P.; Singh, R. Ram Mohan; Кумар, П.; Співати, Р. Рам Мохан
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5.pdf.jpg2023Growth and development of research laboratory in physical education and sportDebnath, D.; Дебнат, Д.
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15.pdf.jpg2023Rrevitalizing physical education: embracing modern trends through the french contrast training method of resistance trainingNithin, B. S.; Ibnu Noufal, K. V.; Нітін, Б. С.; Ібну Нуфаль, К. В.
8.pdf.jpg2023Innovation and health-saving technologies in the educational processVasanthi, G.; Ajini, P. S.; Васанті, Г.; Аджіні, П. С.
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2.pdf.jpg2023The effect of hand-held loads on the biomechanical parameters of the vertical countermovement jump in untrained individualsSavvopoulos, C.; Kaisidou, V.; Mylonas, P.; Panoutsakopoulos, V.; Hatzitaki, V.; Саввопулос, Х.; Кайсіду, В.; Мілонас, П.; Пануцакопулос, В.; Хатцітакі, В.