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Title: Торгівля людьми як глобальна проблема сучасного світу транснаціонального характеру
Other Titles: Human trafficking as a global problem of a transnational nature
Authors: Саєнко, М.І.
Матвієнко, Є.І.
Кир’янова, В.О.
Sayenko, M.
Matviyenko, Ye.
Kyryanova, V.
Citation: Саєнко М. І. Торгівля людьми як глобальна проблема сучасного світу транснаціонального характеру / М. І. Саєнко, Є .І. Матвієнко, В. О. Кир’янова // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2021. - № 2 (111). – С. 214-218
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: ДДУВС
Keywords: торгівля людьми
протидія торгівлі людьми
сексуальна експлуатація
примусова праця
чинники торгівлі людьми
транснаціональна організована злочинність
human trafficking
combating human trafficking
sexual exploitation
forced labor
factors of human trafficking
transnational organized crime
Series/Report no.: DOI 10.31733/2078-3566-2021-2-214-218;
Abstract: Стаття присвячена висвітленню однієї з глобальних проблем сучасного світу – торгівлі людьми, що набула транснаціонального характеру. Поняття «торгівля людьми» визначено як міжнародними нормативно-правовими документами, так і законодавством України. Указано шляхи подолання цього явища в Україні. Доведено, що для того щоб запобігти торгівлі людьми, потрібно відслідковувати не тільки за тих, хто перетинає кордони нелегально, а й за тих, хто перетинає кордони легально.
Description: he article is devoted to one of the global problems of the modern world - human trafficking. Issues related to this transnational phenomenon are addressed. The concept of «trafficking in human beings» is defined both by international legal documents and the legislation of Ukraine. The slave trade is one of the largest negative phenomena that has accompanied mankind throughout its existence. The modern manifestation of this phenomenon is called human trafficking. This phenomenon is due to a number of domestic problems – economic, social, political. Every year, millions of people around the world suffer from this phenomenon, the victims are men, women and children, regardless of age, ethnicity and religion. A number of factors contribute to the spread of human trafficking, as the majority of the population faces the problem of economic hardship and unemployment and people go abroad in search of a better life. Committed for the purpose of exploitation, including sexual, with the use of deception, fraud, blackmail, vulnerable human condition or with the use or threat of violence, with the use of official position or material or other dependence on another person, according to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, recognized as a crime. The importance of this issue at the national and international levels is emphasized. The normativelegal documents related to the prevention and counteraction of human trafficking, which have legal force on the territory of Ukraine, have been studied. The level of spread of this phenomenon in Ukraine is clarified. This problem is defined as transnational. Emphasis is placed on the causes of human trafficking and its types. It is indicated how to get rid of this phenomenon in Ukraine. It has been proven that in order to get rid of human trafficking, it is necessary to monitor not only those who cross borders illegally, but also those who cross borders legally. The demand of the EU countries for cheap labor is growing every year, because the population of the country that offers such work is not interested in working in low-paid work, so certain types of work are agreed to be performed only by migrants. Criminal groups involved in human trafficking and closely related to illegal labor migration are active abroad. Illegal import of migrants occurs with the full or partial consent of a person, human trafficking in turn occurs without the informed consent of the person. Therefore, anyone who goes abroad to improve their financial capabilities can become a victim of a violent crime by traffickers.
Appears in Collections:Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2021. - № 2 (111).
Наукові статті
Саєнко М.І.

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